Family and Friends drink it in...

Remember the days were we all wanted to be a certain character for a movie? "Im Batman your Robin." "No! Im Batman!" Well its too bad none of us are Batman.... Enjoy LOL
p.s. be sure to comment!! haters!!!!

Hold up is that Jeff? Staring in UP the new Disney?

My lovely Momma stays wise in the Disney Flick Pocahontas


Alex Klassen has two due to tough decisions
  "Prince" in Snow White



"Fairy God Mother"

Kath, sorry you are so sweet you also could have been 
the Gram in Fox and the Hound

Andy... Soft and sweet on the inside... scary on the out

Andy #2

Chrissy is of course "Olive" from Pop eye

Joe Ngauamo = " Cheif " from Peter pan

Ben as " Jafar " LOL chekk the beard

Numero Dos...

RIP Grandma Benny hehe

Bri as "Lilo" hula hula

ha ha ha

Makhi as "BAM! BAM!"

Hiedi on the Right.... haaaa

GUS (olivia's dog) truly stars in Pocahontas


Joel " leaning tower of cheesaa "


Joel at age 30...

KATY as Spanelli from Recess

attitude, sports skills, uglyness, tomboy

Sean "Mogli" Cohen

(Pirate from Peter Pan)

chekk the BOD

O $$$

Yours Truly, Brett Kirschner....Yes thee Brett Kirschner

Say hello to Uncle Mike...AKA Donald... The Prospector (Toy Story)



Cant forget Christina ... Alex's Gal as

Hey Lucas BG im diggin' the bike!

Last but not least 

TESANDRA as "Mulan"

doesn't it suck when somebody else picks charectars for you and you are stuck with them..... I use to HATE that as a kid... i always ended up being....
